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Organization Position Location Description

In-person Storytime Animator


At MinibiblioPLUS, we bring books to life!
We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers who would like to spread their love of books by reading to children from 0 to 8 years old.
Whom we serve: Partner organizations such as early childcare and community centers that cater to children up to 8 years old.
Where: Storytime takes place at one of our numerous partners' facilities in the NDG/Côte-des-Neiges and LaSalle areas; Our office is located at 3755 Botrel Street, Suite 110, Montreal, Quebec H4A 3G8.
*In response to the current health measures, there is also a virtual storytelling option now available! For this role, volunteers are asked to create weekly recordings of themselves animating storytime. These videos are then shared with our partners to play in their centers for an alternate storytime experience.
Job Purpose: To bring stories and books to life through the art of story-time animation and to instill a lifelong love of reading and learning in children by passing on your love of books to them
Tasks and responsibilities:
• Engage and stimulate children in weekly one-hour read-aloud sessions
• Participate in one or more training sessions on how to read to children
• Share evaluation of progress/success of activities
• Rotational collection of reading materials from our library

Benefits of volunteering with minibiblioPLUS:
• Children's smiles and laughter
• Gain knowledge and experience working with children
• Develop presentation and public speaking skills
• A letter signed by the Executive Director attesting to your volunteer work
• Potential recognition as volunteer of the month
Training: Volunteers will receive comprehensive training in Early Literacy development with a certificate of completion at the end. All story-time materials will be provided by the library.

About us:
Fraser Hickson was the first free public library established in Montreal in 1885. Our mission is to raise literacy levels by providing the partners we serve with free access to books and animation services to help them instill in children a life-long love of reading and learning from birth, via our hallmark outreach project - minibiblioPLUS. Our vision is to continue to foster a culture of reading and learning as a leader in raising literacy skills building on our successful project.


Library Volunteer


Volunteer at the MiniobiblioPlus library.


Book Delivery


Deliver books to our various partner centers (daycares and community centres around NDG, Côte-des-Neiges and Lasalle areas)

Résilience Montréal

Help homeless indigenous peoples


Volunteers help us prepare and serve meals, organize and distribute clothing/hygiene products while keeping the environment clean and safe. All of our training is done on-site with staff members and volunteers. We are super grateful to have wonderful people join us every day!

About us:

Resilience Montreal, created by the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal, is a community-led project established in 2019 to support the homeless population in the Cabot Square area. It is a wellness center for the most vulnerable and provides a welcoming and safe oasis from the hardships of the streets where people with trauma are honored, defended and can access services that meet their needs. The organisation gained independence from the NWSM by gaining charitable status in May 2021.

Resilience Mtl aims to provide services that restore dignity to the lives of its patrons. This service offers volunteer opportunities to the homeless as well social, financial, and mental health support and advocacy. The overall goal is to restore physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological wellness.

Transit Secours Region Montreal / Shelter Movers Montreal Region


Position Summary:
Movers and Drivers are core to the organization by assisting on each move. In a group of 2-7 movers, volunteers will load/unload the client’s belongings into a vehicle and transport the client to the predetermined location. Vehicles are provided for the move, and movers who have a valid driver’s license are welcome to register as drivers.

This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to make a big impact in a small amount of time. Each move varies from 3-5 hours. With our flexible volunteering model, you can sign up to volunteer on moves as per your availability.

- Meet other movers at the arranged time and place
- Work under the direction of a volunteer Lead Mover and Move Coordinator, and maintain communication with the Lead Mover and all other movers during move
- Move client’s belongings in and out of vehicles, and transport client's personal belongings to a predetermined location (client's children may accompany some of the moves) - vehicles are provided
- Liaise with the volunteer team, private security, and/or law enforcement
- Continuously conduct risk assessments throughout a move
- Maintain client confidentiality and provide trauma-informed care to all clients
- Uphold Shelter Movers’ protocols and procedures
- Work with private security and law enforcement (led by Lead Mover) when necessary

Time commitment:
Flexible scheduling. Time commitment is based on a per-move basis, with each move taking approximately 3-4 hours. Volunteers can work around their schedule and sign up for moves based on their availability.

A minimum of 1-2 moves a month, or 4-8 hours per month, is encouraged. This is an unpaid volunteer position.

Transit Secours Region Montreal / Shelter Movers Montreal Region

Move Coordinator

Position Summary:
The Move Coordinator is an integral part of the Operations team, planning and coordinating all details of the move as well as providing on-call support on the day of a move. This role is completely remote. The Move Coordinator corresponds with the client (typically over the phone), ensures volunteer teams are prepared, and that move goes smoothly, including responding to and problem-solving unforeseen challenges on the day of the move.

- Reach out to the client over the phone within 24 hours of being assigned the move to confirm all details, explain next steps and address any questions/concerns from the client
- Communicate with the Move Coordination Supervisor(s) to recruit an appropriate team of volunteers
- Coordinate move logistics, including (but not limited to) vehicle reservations, storage arrangements, and scheduling of private security or police
- Create a customized itinerary for the move (using a provided template)
- Be “on call” (reachable by phone) throughout the duration of the move to support the Lead Mover with any unexpected challenges.
- Report back to the Move Coordination Supervisor(s) after each move to debrief
- Use patience, empathy, and active listening skills in all interactions with clients and volunteers
- Have regular check-ins with your Move Coordination Supervisor(s)
- Follow the processes and procedures detailed in the Move Coordination Manual
- Attend regular Intake Team meetings as instructed by the Move Coordination Supervisor(s)
- Highly recommended to sign up as a Mover for a least 1 move

Time commitment:
Approximately 3-4 hours of planning and 4-5 hours of ‘on-call’ availability per move. The expectation is to coordinate a minimum of 1 move per month. The first few moves will tof course take longer to plan as you are getting used to the process.

*Please note: the work of a Move Coordinator isn’t performed in a single or continuous ‘shift’; rather, it involves communication with the client over the phone and planning at your convenience. Typically this planning stage spans a few days or a week prior to the move
date. Then, on the day of the move we ask you to be ‘on-call’, or available and reachable by phone should any issues arise during the move.
This is a fully remote position, with occasional meetings (in-person and/or conference calls.) A 4 to 6 month commitment is strongly preferred.

Parrainage civique Montréal

Volunteers for computer support for adults with intellectual disabilities

Le Plateau-Mont-Royal

Volunteers for computer support for adults with intellectual disabilities
Our organization is committed to its adult members living with an intellectual disability through twinning. We offer monthly training workshops for our members on various subjects. We are looking for computer support volunteers for the winter of 2023. Training to support your volunteer work will be provided.
The computer workshop volunteer is responsible for helping the computer workshop run smoothly for the members in collaboration with the activities coordinator. The volunteer will be responsible for facilitating workshops to teach computer skills to people with intellectual disabilities. The volunteer will be responsible for the following tasks
- Facilitate computer workshops to teach skills
- Provide assistance to participants as needed on their computers and tablets
- Monitor the progress of participants
- Support the activity coordinator
- Follow established policies and procedures
- Assist with other tasks as needed

Parrainage civique Montréal

Volunteers for the pairing program with an adults with intellectual disabilities

Le Plateau-Mont-Royal

Our organization has been supporting people with intellectual disabilities in their integration and social participation through its Buddy Program. This consists of forming a bond of unique friendship among volunteers (godparents) and members (godchild(s)) who wish to be accompanied and seek fulfillment in their social lives.

Sign up to become a Buddy! Through the Buddy Program, volunteers become a civic godfather/godmother and form an equal friendship with a person with an intellectual disability

The volunteer has freedom of choice of activity & location (home, exterior, events, etc.) with his/her godchild as long as they have fun together!

Find a deep and personal sense of enrichment, increased open-mindness, meet new people sharing the same energy and motivation, engage in beautiful moments of laughter and sharing, obtain a reference from the PCM, and change a life … yours!

Concordia's Used Book Fair

Book sorter


Sort books with the volunteers of the Concordia EPIC Used Book Fair!
Why sign up?
It's a fun way to connect with the Concordia community
You get a free book every time you volunteer
Students can add their volunteer work to their co-curricular record (see
You can volunteer as much or as little as you like, even 15 minutes is a great help
All funds raised go towards student scholarships and the Student Emergency Food Fund

Book sorts will be held every Wednesday, from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. in the LB Building basement (LB-029), until our next EPIC event at the end of March.

Sign up now and join the EPIC Book Fair family!
Or write to

L'Étoffe du Succès Montreal



Rôle : En relation directe avec la cliente, la bénévole assure des rendez-vous habillage de 1h30 en boutique avec la cliente. L’objectif étant de trouver à la cliente 2 à 3 tenues professionnelles dans le but de pouvoir aller en entrevue d’embauche ou de commencer un nouvel emploi avec la garde-robe adaptée. Le rendez-vous comporte la retranscription des informations de la cliente pour nos bases de données, l’habillage, le partage de nos programmes éducatifs et une simulation d’entrevue d’embauche.

Disponibilités : Au moins 1 rendez-vous par mois (1h30)

Qualités requises : Bon sens du relationnel, à l’écoute, compréhension, empathie et le sens de coordonner les vêtements.

Besoins illimités en bénévoles